Dr. Justin Coco was selected to be the FIRST in Colorado to perform the newly FDA approved  Visian Toric  ICL.... #awesome #greatdoctor #coco #drcoco #twentytwenty #callus #now #hecanhelpyou #clearvision #doctor #doctordoctor #boulder #boulderdoctors #colorado #vision #coloradodoctors #bouldereyes. #righthere #thinklocal #canyousee #callnow 303.499.2020 #nomoreglasses #nomorecontactlenses #youcandoit #ICL 😎
Dr. Justin Coco ... selected to be the FIRST ophthalmologist in Colorado to perform the newly FDA approved VISIAN Toric ICL ... #ophthalmology #specialist #cataract #ICL #eyes #vision #clearvision #doctor #visian #visiantoricicl #colorado #bouldereyes #surgeon #surgery #first #fda #fdaapproved #drcoco #justincoco #excellent 👀
Can you see? Have you been considering laser vision correction, LASIK, so you can!? Call BoulderEyes for a free LASIK consultation, and let’s find out if you are a candidate for clear vision with Dr. Craig Beyer ... 303-499-2020 #clearvision #lasik #freelasikconsultation #eyes #vision #freeconsult #drbeyer #bestofboulder #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #surgeon #ophthalmology #topteninthecountry #callnow 303.499.2020 #areyouacandidate ?! #letsfindout Pic cred: @benmuldersunsets
When was the last time you had your eyes checked? Call us now and let’s get you scheduled! 303.499.2020 #yearlyexam #cataract #vision #eyes 😎We take most insurances, and can confirm if you are eligible for an annual exam with your insurance prior to your appointment 😎 #visioninsurance #insurance #clearvision #ophthalmology #canyousee #glasses #contactlenses #doctors #bouldereyes #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #call #schedule 303.499.2020 😎😎😎 @emipreston ⚡️
Thumbs up for clear vision! Dr. Craig Beyer is one of the top ten LASIK surgeons in the United States, and was on the team of physicians that developed laser vision correction over twenty years ago... #lasik #pioneer #laservisioncorrection ... Call now for a free LASIK consultation 303.499.2020 ... #ophthalmology #specialist #excellent #drbeyer #lvc #vision #eyes #boulder #bouldercolorado #thinklocal #doctor #doctorsofinstagram #instaawesome #instapic #callnow #freeconsult 😎😎😎💪🏻
#blink #women #opticaltrivia #trivia #triviatuesday #vision #eyes
Thinking about clear vision?  Call us now for a free LASIK consultation... 303.499.2020. Dr. Craig Beyer is one of the top ten LASIK surgeons in the United States, and Team Beyer is excellent. #callnow #freeconsultation #lasik #vision #eyes #best #excellent #drbeyer #teambeyer #april #canyousee #ophthalmologist #clearvision #yours #justcall #youdeservethebest 😎😎😎
Can you see? #vision #visionary #bouldereyes Pic cred: @clarklittle
This is an AMAZING product! Drop by BoulderEyes and chat with us about your red, holiday eyes!#eyedrops #lumify #amazing #nomoreredeyes #eyes #dryeyes #relief #nomorered #healthyeyes #vision #eyedrops #ahh 😎
Meet Dr. Justin Coco. BoulderEyes’ cataract surgeon. Do you think you might have cataracts?  Call us at 303.499.2020 and schedule an eye exam to find out. We accept most insurances and can confirm your coverage. #callnow #eyeexam #cataract #cataractsurgery #eyes #vision #canyousee 😎
Active eyes ... how are yours?! #vision #eyes #canyousee Have you considered #lasik ?  Call us! BoulderEyes... excellent doctors. Excellent reputation. #convenientlylocated #boulder #colorado #bouldercolorado #optical #health #cataract #laservisioncorrection #callnow #free #lasikconsultation #cataract #yearlyopticalchecks #call 303.499.2020 😎😎😎
Dr. Justin Coco ... #cataractsurgery #cataract #ICL #eyes #twentytwenty ... selected to be the FIRST in Colorado to perform the newly FDA approved VISIAN Toric ICL ... #canyousee #callnow #bouldereyes 303.499.2020 😎😎😎 #ophthalmology #doctor #doctordoctor #boulder #bouldercolorado #vision #coloradovision #takecareofyourself #doctorsofinstagram 👀
Dr. Justin Coco was selected to be the FIRST in Colorado to perform the newly FDA approved  Visian Toric  ICL.... Britney wanted to correct both her nearsightedness and astigmatism in one procedure  to get rid of her contact lenses. She was seeing 20/20 the NEXT day... #awesome #greatdoctor #coco #drcoco #twentytwenty #callus #now #hecanhelpyou #clearvision #doctor #doctordoctor #boulder #boulderdoctors #colorado #vision #coloradodoctors #bouldereyes. #righthere #thinklocal #canyousee #calnow 303.499.2020 😎😎😎#nomoreglasses #nomorecontactlenses #youcandoit #wecanhelp ⚡️
Clear vision is right around the corner ... Call BoulderEyes for a free LASIK consult 303.499.2020! #clearvision #easy #freelasikconsult #freeconsult #call #letssee #ifyouareacandidate #candidate for #lasik #laservisioncorrection  Call 303.499.2020 #drbeyer #teambeyer #scrubs #surgeryday #happypatient #hecansee #twentytwenty #vision #eyes #canyousee !!??? Call 303.499.2020 now and let’s see if you are a candidate for LASIK with Dr. Craig Beyer - LASIK pioneer and one of the top ten LASIK specialists in the country!
Dr. John Bannwarth... Call BoulderEyes and schedule your yearly eye exam with Dr. Bannwarth!  303.499.2020 😎😎😎 #vision #yearlyexam #eyes #clearvision #doctor #doctorsofinstagram #glasses #contactlenses #annualeyeexam #canyousee #call #schedule #bouldereyes #bouldercolorado #boulder #colorado #coloradodoctor #southdakota #takecareofyourself #takecareofyoureyes #theyretheonlyonesyagot ! 😎😎😎 Call 303.499.2020 to schedule your annual eye exam 😎😎😎
She can see!  #patient #surgery #laservisioncorrection #lvc #crosslinking #cataracts #bouldereyes #ophthalmology #vision #dreyer #drcoco #drbannwarth #eyes #eyeexams #yearly #annualeyeexam #canyousee #callus 303.499.2020 😎😎😎
He can SEE!  Thanks to Dr. Beyer and Team Beyer! #lasik #drbeyer #excellent #topten #lasiksurgeon #lasikpioneer #teambeyer #bestofboulder #boulder #bouldercolorado #boulderdoctor #thinklocal #bouldereyes #cataracts #laservisioncorrection #crosslinking #canyousee #doyouwantto #financingavailable #interestfree 😎😎 Call now for your free, LASIK specific consultation 303.499.2020 😎😎😎
One of the country’s top ten LASIK surgeons - Dr. Craig Beyer and his lead tech April. This photo says it all... #excellent #experienced #readytogiveyouclearvision #beyerlasik #teambeyer #drbeyer #april #lasik #bouldereyes #laservisioncorrection #cataracts #yearlyexams #crosslinking #financingavailable #interestfree #boulder #bouldercolorado 😎 We have patients travel from out of the US to correct their vision with Dr. Beyer ⚡️ Call now for a free LASIK specific consultation or to schedule your yearly exam! 303.499.2020 #freeconsultation #callnow !
Call 303.499.2020 for your free LASIK consult. Let’s see if you are a candidate for laser vision correction. #lasik #laservisioncorrection #vision #eyes #clearvision #twentytwenty #canyousee #doyouwantto #freeconsultation #boulder #bouldercolorado #bouldereyes #interestfree #financing #financingavailable #callnow #dontyoudeserveclearvision #dontyoudeservethebest #teambeyer
Boulder is getting colder!  #canyousee #doyouwantto #call #freeconsultation #lasik 303.499.2020 ❄️❄️❄️#boulder #colorado #bouldereyes
Serious business ... laser vision correction ... especially when you are a world class LASIK surgeon like Dr. Craig Beyer. Dr. Beyer is actually a specialist with years of additional education and training. Can other LASIK surgeons say that?  #specialist #worldclass #lasik #lasiksurgeon #drbeyer #craigbeyer #surgeon #doctor #doctorsofinstagram #boulder #bouldercolorado *** We have patients travel to Boulder specifically for laser vision correction wth Dr. Beyer*** Call BoulderEyes for a free LASIK specific consultation 303.499.2020 #areyouacandidate #clearvision #interestfree #financing #available #dontyoudeservethebest #dontyoudeserveclearvision ?! 303.499.2020 😎
Can you see?  Do you want clear vision?  Would you like for one of the top ten LASIK surgeons in the country to give you the 20/20 results you need?  Call BoulderEyes and schedule a free LASIK specific consultation... 403-499-2020 .... let’s see if YOU are a candidate for LASIK with Dr. Craig Beyer ... nationally recognized LASIK surgeon and LASIK pioneer. Dr. Beyer is a specialist among ophthalmologists, and was on the team of surgeons who developed LASIK over 20 years ago. #call 303.499.2020 #free #lasik#consultation #drbeyer #drcraigbeyer #local #boulder #bouldercolorado #lasikcolorado #specialist #topten #usa #excellent #worldclass #clearvision #youneedit #youdeservethebest #vision #twentytwenty #interestfreefinancing #opthalmology #laservisioncorrection #instagood #instaawesome #surgeonsofinstagram #bestofboulder 😎
Meet April ... our lead tech. Besides assisting Dr. Beyer, Dr. Coco, and Dr. Bannwarth with LASIK, cataract, and cross linking surgeries  as well as yearly vision examinations ... April stays busy with triathlons and Muay Thai. Call now for a free LASIK consultation and either April or one of our other qualified and excellent techs will help you find out if you are a candidate for laser vision correction! Call 303.499.2020. #freeconsultation #lasik #laservisioncorrection #callnow #areyouacandidate #clearvision #canyousee #doyouwantto #opthalmology #vision #eyes #teambeyer #drbeyer #worldclass #lasiksurgeon #surgeon #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #local #best #callforyourconsult 303.499.2020 #yearlyeyeexams #eyeexams #yearly #annualexams #annualvisionexam 🕶
Laser Vision Correction ... aka “LVC” .... Dr. Craig Beyer was on the team of ophthalmologists that developed LASIK over 20 years ago.  Dr. Beyer is also one of the top ten LASIK surgeons in the country. His practice is conveniently located in Boulder, Colorado. We have patients travel from out of the country to Boulder for LVC surgery with this amazing, LASIK pioneer. Call BoulderEyes for a free LASIK specific consultation ... 303.499.2020 😎😎😎 Let’s see if you are a candidate for LVC... #callnow #freeconsultation #laservisioncorrection #lasik #drbeyer #worldclass #surgeon #pioneer #themanthemyth #thelegend #excellent #doctor #doctordoctor #doctorsofinstagram #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #coloradosurgeon #local #convenient #best #bestofboulder #scrubs #surgery #call 303.499.2020 😎😎😎
Framed compliments from a few of our happy patients ... you should drop by BoulderEyes for a free LASIK consultation and take a look at our wall of trivia, celebrities and accolades for Dr. Beyer and Team Beyer. #drbeyer #teambeyer #excellent #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #accolades #excellent #happypatients #theycansee #canyousee #areyouacandidateforlaser #lasik #callus #scheduleyourfreeconsult 303.499.2020 #areyouacandidate #laservisioncorrection #interestfreefinancing #instagood #instaexcellent #instavision #opticalhealth with the #best 😎
Before and after Lumify... immediate and soothing results. Photos take. 2 minutes apart. Available at BoulderEyes! #lumify #lumifydrops #eyedrops #bauschlomb #eyehealth #nomoreredeyes #feelgood #lookgreat #dryeyes #redeyes #itchyeyes #relief #bloodshot #helpishere #bouldereyes #instagood #instaahhh #instaawesome 303.499.2020
We recently started carrying these amazing eye drops for red, sore, dry eyes. The pics show the same eye before the drops, and 2 minutes after using the drops. Colorado dryness and day to day activities like looking at a computer screen can take a toll on our eyes ... Lumify from Bausch+Lomb can help!  Call us or drop by to find it more about Lumify! 303.499.2020 #lumify #lumifydrops #bauschandlomb #amazing #eyedrops #redeyes #dryeyes #dryness #flourescentlights #computerscreen #allergies #relief #nomoreredness #redeyes #bloodshot #clear #healthyeyes #eyes #eyewellness #eyehealth #bouldereyes #boulder #bouldercolorado 303.499.2020
Have an awesome Tuesday everyone! #prep #scrubs #scrublife #surgery #lasiksurgery #lasiksurgeon #drcraigbeyer #drbeyer #topsurgeon #worldclass #specialist #laservisioncorrection #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #coloradosurgeon #instagood #instaaweaome #instadaily #doctor #doctorsofinstagram #canyousee #callus #freeconsultation 303.499.2020 Find out of you are a candidate for #clearvision with one of the top ten LASIK surgeons in the United States. 😎
Can you see these gorgeous Colorado Fall colors?! Clear vision is a beautiful thing! This photo was taken yesterday in Durango, Colorado. Pic Cred: Tom Amidei. #canyousee #clearvision #fall #colorado #foliage #fallcolors #vision #clearvision #lasik #laservisioncorrection #drbeyer #bouldereyes #bouldereyeslovescolorado #callus #freeconsultation 303.499.2020 #letssee if #youareacandidate for #lasiksurgery 🍁🍁🍁
Call BoulderEyes for your free LASIK consult ... 303-499-2020 😎 #lifeisshort #getlasik #call #schedule #makeadifference #clearvision #thankyou #stacey #journey #positive #lifechanging #prk #happypatient #lasiksurgery #laservisioncorrection 😎
#happyfourth #fourthofjuly #bouldereyesdoesvail #vail #vailcolorado #parade #canyousee #seetheparade #vailvillage #vision #thankyou #thankful 😎😎😎
Call now for a free LASIK consultation and let’s #see if you are a candidate to improve your vision with Dr. Craig Beyer, one of the top Ten LASIK surgeons in the USA! 303.499.2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The FIrst Laser Vision Correction Research Team ... with Dr. Craig Beyer on this team of LASIK pioneers.  #laservisioncorrection #lvc  #eyes #vision #lasik #lasikpioneer #pioneer #innovative #educated #specialist #opthalmology #opthalmologist #best #worldclass #hereinboulder #boulder #bouldercolorado #bouldereyeslovesboulder #bouldereyeslovescolorado #drbeyer #bouldereyes #call #callnow #freeconsultation 303.499.2020 😎
#bouldereyeslovescolorado #canyousee ?!
#lifechanging #clearvision #getyoureyeschecked #annually #opthalmology #lasik #prkl #areyouacandidate #vision #clearvision #priceless #teambeyer #worldclass #best
Aaaaand don’t forget The People’s Choices Awards !  #drbeyerlovesboulder #boulderlovesdrbeyer #lasik #bouldereyes #lasiklife #vision #eyes #awardedforexcellence #soooomanyyears #dailycamera #thepeoplehavespoken #thankyou #opthalmology #getyoureyeschecked #areyouacandidate #call #freeconsultation #callnow 303.499.2020 #letssee #clearvision #drbeyer #drcraigbeyer 😎
We are best. Best LASIK surgeon and office in Boulder. #checkitout #somanyyears #likelots #lots #best #bestofboulder #drcraigbeyer #drcraigbeyerisboulder #bestlasik#boulderweekly #thankyouboulder #lasik #boulder #bouldercolorado #opthalmology #clearvision #getyoureyeschecked #call #freeconsultation #areyouacandidate #callnow 303.499.2020 😎😎😎
Year: 2006 Dr. Craig Beyer being recognized as a LASIK pioneer by The Boulder County Business Report. #lasik #pioneer #opthalmology #clearvision #lasiklife #drbeyer #doctor #visionary #vision #visuallife #aheadofhistime #expert #experienced #educated #specialist #boulder #bouldercolorado #colorado #worldclass #dontyoudeservethebest #call #callnow #freeconsultation #3034992020 #freeyourself #freeyourselffromglasses #freedom #interestfreefinancing #getyoureyeschecked 😎
Welcome to clear vision! Welcome to BoulderEyes!! #callnow #freeconsult #lasik 303.499.2020 😎
#simplythebest #drcraigbeyer #teambeyer #beyer #april #lasikteam #excellent #bestofboulder #getyoureyeschecked #call 303.499.2020 #freeconsultation #opthalmology #lasiklife #canyousee #freeyourself #boulder #bouldercolorado #lasiksurgery #lasik #laservisioncorrection #surgery #eyes #clearvision #vision #visionary 😎
#wellplayed #drbannwarth #mwf #getyoureyeschecked #yearlyeyeexam #call #callnow 303.499.2020 😎
#lasik #clearvision#lifeisshort #getlasik #opthalmology  #boulder #beyer #best #lasiklife #laservisioncorrection #call #freeconsultation #freeyourself #freedom #lifeistooshort #lifeisbeautiful #canyousee #youdeserveclearvision #callnow 303.499.2020 😎
Dr. Craig Beyer ... right here in Boulder ... one of the top ten LASIK surgeons in the country. Interest free financing available. Competitive LASIK surgery costs. Call for a free LASIK consult and see if you are a candidate for LASIK. 303.499.2020 #drcraigbeyer #best #topnotch #qualified #youdeservethebest #call #freeconsult #lasik #vision #clarity #financing #interestfree #bestofboulder2018 #canyousee #laservisioncorrection #call #callnow #freeconsultation  303.499.2020 😎😎😎
🇺🇸Memorial Day Weekend ... #memorialdayweekend  #thankyou 🇺🇸
Life is short. Get LASIK.  #thesepeopledid #andboyaretheyhappy #clearvision #beautiful #boulder #boulder #bouldercolorado #bouldereyeslovesboulder #drbeyer #drcraigbeyer #simplythebest #best #bestofboulder #bestofboulder2018 #lasik #lasiksurgeon #surgeon #topten #nationwide #call #freeconsultation 303.499.2020 #interestfreefinancing #available #😎 #areyouacandidate #eyes #blueeyes #browneyes #hazeleyes #laservisioncorrection 😎
The man. The myth. The surgeon. #lasiksurgeon #laservisioncorrection #boulder #bouldercolorado #simplythebest #bouldereyeslovesboulder #specialist #surgery #canyousee #doyouwantto ? #callus #callnow #freeconsultation #letssee #areyouacandidate #lasikcandidate #candidate #eyes #clearvision #vision 😎😎😎
Can YOU see!? Clearly?  If not ... easy peazy !!! Call BoulderEyes for a free LASIK consult ... 303-499-2020 😎 Dr. Craig Beyer was on the team of specialists that developed LASIK over 20 years ago, and is one of the top 10 LASIK surgeons in the United States. #worldclass #lasikpioneer #pioneer #lasik #surgeon #specialist #opthalmology #boulder #bouldercolorado #simplythebest #drcraigbeyer #educated #excellent #experience #expert #bestofboulder #boulderweekly #bestofboulder2018 #call #freeconsultation 303.499.2020 #freeyourself #glasses #contacts #nomore ! #clearvision #letsdothis 😎😎😎
#incaseyouforgot #incaseyouwerewondering #fyi #wearethebest #best #bestlasik #bestofboulder #again #andagain #excellent #educated #experienced #drbeyer #drcraigbeyer #lasik #lasiksurgery #lasiksurgeon #laservisioncorrection #specialist #opthalmology #opthalmologist #boulderweekly #bestofboulder2018 #bouldercolorado #bouldereyeslovesboulder #boulder #doctor #thebest #simplythebest #😎
WHO’S READY FOR THE BOLDER BOULDER??!! #bolderboulder #bolderboulder2017 #bolderboulder2018 #areyouready #boulder #colorado #bouldercolorado #letsrace #race #raceday #bouldertradition #thinklocal #locals #run #runners #racers #bouldereyeslovesboulder 😎
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